General information & Care


Check all parts in your shopping cart.

Because we custom-make all parts especially for you, we have delivery time on our products. Avoid delays and carefully check whether your order is complete. You can make a change up to 24 hours after placing your order.

Always have your IKEA drawing checked by an IKEA employee.

Don't forget to inform IKEA that fronts will be added to the cabinets. For example, an IKEA employee can take into account cupboard furnishings that are suitable in combination with fronts. The IKEA base (cabinet elements, cabinet furnishings, hinges, legs) must be ordered in-house from IKEA.

First place the floor in the room where the kitchen will be located.

Covering panels and skirting boards can be cut to size. In most cases, covering panels are on the ground, which makes it easier if the floor has already been laid.

Check whether the cabinets and covering panels fit in the space.

Cover panels are attached to the cupboard, so do not forget to include the thickness of the cover panels in the total length of the kitchen or cupboard. Covering panels are 18mm to 19mm thick. You must check the dimensions in the room yourself.

Choose dark cabinet elements when choosing dark fronts.

If you buy new cabinets, you can choose to purchase dark cabinet elements.

Cabinets must be mounted firmly and level

In order to properly adjust fronts, cabinets must be fixed and level. If a cabinet is not firmly anchored to the wall, the weight of the fronts can make the cabinet unbalanced. If a cupboard is not level, doors can hang at an angle and appear to be crooked because they do not fit properly against the cupboard.


Studio Fedde fronts have the same sizes as IKEA fronts. Therefore, always use IKEA equipment, or equipment that is suitable for IKEA kitchens. For non-standard sizes, cut a drawer front to size to fill space. Studio Fedde cannot make custom drawer fronts for different equipment dimensions.

The IKEA dishwashers are suitable for an 80mm or 110mm high plinth height, due to the sliding system that comes with the dishwasher. Studio Fedde cannot advise on whether equipment from other brands is suitable for IKEA cabinets. If you want to connect two or more fronts to continue the style of drawer fronts in the setup, use the IKEA VAGLIG.


With the NO.2 front you cannot drill screws at the handle. These will come through the handle bar.
With the NO.4 front you cannot drill screws where the frame falls inwards. These will come through the frame.

(Combi) oven or microwave
At IKEA, there is always space under the oven to reach the drawer front or door below. This is an IKEA standard.

IKEA's combi ovens are usually 50cm high. If you buy an oven from another brand, it is necessary to cut a drawer front to size to fill the space. Use the IKEA Forbattra cover strip for this.

Check whether the dimensions of your equipment fit the design and that you have chosen the correct front layout.

Fridge and freezer

IKEA works with a sliding door system for all built-in refrigerators and freezers. Sliding doors require hinge holes, which is why there are standard hinge holes in the doors. If you buy a refrigerator or freezer with a door-on-door system from another brand, the hinge bores may get in the way.

For model No.4, check whether screws are not screwed through the inner frame at mounting points. The inner frame is 12mm thick.

Free-standing stove

Place floor-to-ceiling panels to the left and right of the stove, so that the space next to the stove is covered.

*horizontal doors and drawer fronts of 20x8 and 30x80 are supplied without drillings, so that the IKEA manual can be adhered to.


Drillings for handles are not prepared, so that handles can still be placed in the desired position on site.

Use the FIXA drilling template from IKEA to easily position the holes on a front.

Always use an IKEA Maximera 'low' drawer under the sink cabinet. A 'medium' tray will get in the way of drainage.


Studio Fedde does not offer an installation service. Assembly must always be carried out in-house.


All our fronts and panels can be cut to size.

Holes for handles are not pre-drilled, so you can determine the preferred position on site. Use the IKEA drilling template for this.

Skirting boards come in fixed lengths and can be sawn to size. If a skirting board goes around the corner, it can be mitered, or use end points so that the side of the skirting board (visible end edge) is finished. Studio Fedde has no attachments in its range.

The skirting board can be finished with a moisture-resistant plastic strip, which can be purchased at a local hardware store. Studio Fedde does not have skirting strips in its range.

Cover panels must be mounted with screws that can be screwed from the inside of the cabinet. These screws are not included. Make sure the screws are no longer than the thickness of the cover panel and the thickness of the cabinet.

Studio Fedde supplies skirting board clips that allow you to easily mount the skirting board to the cabinet legs.

To install fronts and panels properly, it is necessary that cabinets are fixed and level.



All doors can be installed with either left or right opening, unless the direction of opening must be specified in advance.

Clean fronts as quickly as possible if they contain food remains or fingerprints. This simplifies cleaning the fronts.


The paint on PAINT fronts needs time to harden. Therefore, handle your new fronts carefully in the beginning and inform the person who installs the fronts.
Always mount the fronts on soft surfaces to prevent scratches or damage to the paint.

The PAINT fronts have a 20% gloss level.

PAINT fronts oxidize as time passes, which may cause some loss of color or gloss level. In most cases this process begins after about 12 weeks, but this may differ depending on the room. If you are expecting a second order, some difference may be visible in the first weeks. Because a second order requires a new paint run, it is inevitable that some color difference will be visible. This is a property of mixed paint and unfortunately cannot be prevented.

Use a mild cleaning agent with a soft cloth and dry the fronts.

Depending on the light and colour, the PAINT fronts may show fingerprints on the surface. These are easy to clean with a mild all-purpose cleaner. Fronts can easily be cleaned with a soft cloth and a mild all-purpose cleaner (our favorite is the Method all-purpose cleaner from Albert Heijn).

You can request the color code of the front you ordered from a Studio Fedde advisor.

If you use paint in one of these codes, it may differ from the front color, because every paint brand can differ, and every surface shows a different representation of the paint color.


The basis of our wooden fronts is MDF. This MDF is covered with a thin layer of wood veneer. Wood veneer fronts are supplied with a vertical wood grain.

Wood is a natural product. Therefore, colors and structures may differ within a print run or during a second delivery.


Wait 14 days before cleaning wood veneer fronts, unless these concern grease stains. After 14 days, the wood veneer fronts can be cleaned with a slightly damp, lint-free cloth.

Black-stained oak or oiled oak should never be thoroughly polished or polished. The stain or oil will then wear off. Wear spots can be touched up manually.

Wooden fronts may discolour slightly over time, depending on the room the fronts are in and the extent to which the fronts are exposed to sunlight.

The oak base color may differ between editions. In addition, the oil can change slightly due to oxidation during the treatment of the fronts. This cannot be prevented in the production process.

Fronts underneath each other may show a continuous wood grain, but this is random. If possible, fronts can be changed places so that there is a non-continuous structure everywhere. A continuous structure is not available from Studio Fedde.

Oak and walnut covering panels wider than 122cm are made horizontally, due to the size of the material.

Model No.3 concerns an interruption every 25mm for the wooden fronts, whereby a V is machined into the MDF. This V-groove is then treated in the desired color together with the walnut or oak veneer. The MDF is visible.



The delivery time of our fronts is indicated with the product on the website and may vary from time to time. In general, the guideline for delivery time is 7 to 9 weeks. The factory is closed during the construction holiday and Christmas period and delivery times are longer than usual.

You will receive the final delivery date one week before delivery.

After delivery, store your fronts flat until they are mounted. Fronts can warp if stored upright.

We kindly ask you to help unload upon delivery, the driver will come alone.

The driver only delivers to the ground floor. We ask you to move the parts to the room in question yourself.

Always report damage within 8 days with photos by email.

Need extra fronts? Then the delivery time is approximately 7 weeks. Because we deliver custom work, there is unfortunately no way to speed up production time. Not even in the event of damage due to transport or in the event of a production or communication error.

Always report damage with photos to the relevant branch within 8 days.

Because our fronts are custom-made in a model and color of your choice, our minimum order amount is €250 for each order. If you need less than one square meter of material, an additional charge will be charged.



The step-by-step plan
1. Preparation
The fronts and worktop have been ordered. For the worksheet, this means: the sketch has been submitted to our worksheet partner.

  1. Measurement planning

Our worktop partner will contact you by telephone after approximately 7 weeks (due to the delivery of the fronts) to plan the measuring visit.

  1. Assembly of basic kitchen

The cabinets, furnishings, fronts, covering panels, skirting boards and any handles must be assembled in-house. It is a requirement that cabinets are fixed and level.

  1. The measuring visit

Our worktop partner will measure the worktop.

  1. A temporary solution

If time needs to be bridged, a temporary worksheet can be placed. Consider the old worktop (part) from the previous kitchen or a simple plastic worktop from IKEA or a local hardware store.

  1. Assembly worksheet

The worktop partner comes to assemble the worktop. The sink is mounted and the tap is screwed to the worktop. Worktops are not sealed as standard.

  1. Installation of water and electricity

A plumber and electrician can come in-house to connect the water and electricity.

General worksheets

We always provide worktops with a measuring and installation service. It is not possible to order a worktop without a measuring or installation service. Dismantling of a current kitchen worktop can be ordered and is optional, you can find this article in the webshop. A worktop can also be dismantled yourself.

If, after a measuring visit, it appears that additional parts or operations are required in the worksheet, an invoice for the additional parts will be sent. Avoid surprises and let us know before the measuring visit takes place if additional parts may be added to the order.

Worktops are only measured when all cabinets are mounted, fixed to the wall and level, fronts and covering panels.

The technician cannot perform plumbing or electrician work. Connecting water (the siphon or tap) or connecting equipment is therefore not covered by our worktop service. This is easy to arrange yourself through a local installer.

Are you replacing an old worktop with a new worktop of a different thickness? Then check whether this is possible with current back wall material such as tiles.